How It Works for Your Destinations & Experience Providers

Five Easy Steps to Get Started!

  1. Create an Account;

  2. Upload pics, and Add a description, website, contact information, and details around your businesses;

  3. We will Validate your destination's or business’s information (reach out if necessary) and launch your account once approved.

  4. Feel free to Add Events that you may be having or hosting at any point; they will also appear in the explore page within the app.

  5. Be sure to keep your account up to date when any changes, hours of operation, contact information, etc., and stay tuned for another app that we have up our sleeves just for you!

Who can create Accounts?

Are you a teen-friendly business or experience provider looking to broaden your reach? If yes, sign up; we’d love to have you a part of our growing community. Plus, creating an account is quick and easy! Our goal at Exploring Paths is to increase community engagement, encourage staying active, and champion the exploration of the world and the experiences it has to offer. We serve a global community of Explorers, Families, and Youth Focused Organizations and welcome in-person and online/virtual/interactive experiences.

Does it cost to participate?

For now, our accounts are free to those who sign up now, though we will need to charge at some point, so be sure to sign up soon!