How It Works for Your Group or Organization

Six Easy Steps to Get Started!

  1. Create a Profile;

  2. Create your organization’s Group under the Communities tab;

  3. Send out the web/mobile web or iOS app to your participants; both can be used on the go.

  4. Once your participants have created accounts, Invite them to join by clicking the Invite to Group button and entering their names;

  5. Find, View, Go To & Schedule Destinations and Experiences you’d like your group to visit in Explore; and

  6. View Scheduled Destination and Experiences as well as ones you’ve already visited in My Destinations. Your path and progress within each Destination will also be stored.

Participants keep track of their travels in their own Virtual Passport on their profile page and see where they rank within the Leaderboard. Organizations can keep track of their participants’ travels (and miles) that can then be used as data to help during the grant writing process!

Who can create Accounts?

Those 18 and over and youths over the age of 13 who have received permission from their parent or legal guardian can create accounts. Parents with children under the age of 13 who would like to grant access to the app; may create a subaccount through their profile. When creating an account, we encourage you not to use any personal identifying information.