How It Works for Explorers

Five Ways to Engage!

  1. Create a Profile;

  2. Find, View, Go To & Schedule Destinations and Experiences you’d like to visit in Explore

  3. View Scheduled Destination and Experiences as well as ones you’ve already visited in My Destinations,

    Your path and progress within each Destination will also be stored,

  4. Stay connected by creating groups within Community, and

  5. Keep track of your travels within your Virtual Passport on your profile page and see where you rank within the Leaderboard.

Who can create Accounts?

Those 18 and over, as well as youths over the age of 13 who have received permission from their parent or legal guardian, can create accounts. Parents with children under the age of 13 who would like to grant access to the app; may create a subaccount through their profile. When creating an account, we encourage you not to use any personal identifying information.

How do I increase my standing on the Leaderboard?

It is easy… Get busy exploring! The more destinations you visit, the farther you go outside of your neighborhood, either in-person or virtually, the more miles you’ll earn. Sooo... Make sure to get out there and try something you have yet to try and visit the places that you have yet to visit!